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The details for the next play auditions are as follows:

Machinal by Sophie Treadwell

Audition Dates: Thursday 25 July 2024 - 7.30pm and Sunday 28 July 2024 - 7.30pm
Venue: Seaford Little Theatre
Production dates: 7 - 15 March 2025

Director: Mike Truman

Machinal, by Sophie Treadwell, is something of a departure for Seaford Little Theatre in that it is an ‘expressionistic’ play. However, the plot itself is straightforward and based on a true story. Written and set in late 1920s New York, and stylistically well ahead of its time, it concerns a young woman who, constrained by social conventions, feels forced into a marriage with a man she despises because he is rich and can provide for her and her mother. She has a child by him and then meets a handsome and exciting man with whom she has an affair. Because she is so unhappy, she kills her husband and is tried, found guilty and executed.


The play is split into 9 episodes which chart the important events in the life of ‘Helen Jones’, the young woman in question. The love triangle revolves around Helen Jones - 20s, her husband - perhaps 40ish, and the lover- 30s. However, in some scenes there are up to 9 speaking parts and a variable number of non-speaking parts. Other scenes are more naturalistic and involve fewer actors. I am looking for 11 actors with speaking parts, most with doubling/trebling. Apart from the 3 principals, I am looking for 2 younger men, 3 mature men, 2 younger ladies and 3 mature ladies. Acting in the group scenes and in scene transitions will involve stylised movement.


This play is a collaborative project which will be explored and developed by a team of actors in order to tell the story in the most dramatic way possible. There will be film, music and a soundscape to underpin the action.


I want to attempt to cast this play early. The nature of the play does not easily lend itself to a sit-down formal reading, but I can send a copy of the play on request if you want to read it. Audition pieces will be posted on this website shortly. The auditions will take place on Thursday 25th July at 7.30pm and Sunday 28th July at 7.30pm. I would urge anyone who is interested in taking on a new challenge to come along: opportunities abound for multi-rolling and lots of creative fun!

If you are unsure whether it’s for you, and want more information, please feel free to contact me (details below).

Rehearsals for this production will commence from January 2025

If you are interested but unable to attend the audition date, please contact me so that I can arrange an alternative. If you are able to help behind the scenes, I would also be very pleased to hear from you.

Audition Pieces (Click on Link to download)

Court Scene

Group Audition 1

Group Audition 2

Helen 2

Husband and Helen

Lover and Helen

Nurse, Husband, Doctor, Helen

Mother and Helen

Mike Truman

TELEPHONE: 07951 903414